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All Sorrow Joy monastery refectory (Moscow)1

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

All Sorrow Joy monastery refectory (Moscow)


Novoslobodsky park of Moscow

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

Novoslobodsky park of Moscow


St Vladimir's Church, Moscow

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

The Church of St. Vladimir in the Old Gardens (Церковь Святого Владимира в Старых Садах) is a pentacupolar Orthodox church in Basmanny District of Moscow, next to Ivanovsky Convent, close to the confluence of the Yauza and Moskva rivers. It originated in the early 15th century as a palace church of Vasily I and was frequented by royals until the ascension of the Romanov dynasty.[1] The deliberately archaizing building was erected in the 1660s on the old foundations.[1] The south porch is left over from an earlier church designed by Aloisio the New for Vasily III in 1514. A distinctive belfry was overhauled during Catherine II's reign. The Soviets closed the church and prepared it for demolition.[2] Its domes were dismantled, and the interior was adapted for storage of books. A 1980 fire destroyed the remaining frescoes. The Russian Orthodox Church obtained the church in 1990 and had it thoroughly repaired and refurnished. Its parish is one of the most prosperous in Moscow.


Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Podkopai

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

The stone church was rebuilt at the end of the 17th century. based on a more ancient temple. The bell tower was built in 1750-59, at the same time the dome was redesigned. The main throne of the Kazan Mother of God. Chapels of st. Sergius (left) and St. Nicholas (right). The temple was ravaged during the war of 1912 and was abolished due to the absence of a parish. In 1855, he was transferred to the device of the monastery of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, only after which it was renewed. It was closed in the late 1920s. In 1991, returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.


Хохловский переулок 7-9

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

Старинные каменные палаты XVIII века


Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа на Сетуни

Department of Historical Information Science MSU

Храм Спаса Нерукотворного Образа на Сетуни — православный храм в Москве, находится на берегу реки Сетуни на Рябиновой улице д. 18 при Кунцевском кладбище. Объект культурного наследия регионального значения. Храм был построен в 1673—1676 годах в усадьбе Спасское-Манухино, принадлежавшей дипломату, боярину Артамону Матвееву. В 1809 году храм был перестроен, возведены колокольня и трапезная. Тогда же на средства помещика Г. А. Кирьянова устроен престол во имя преподобного Григория Декаполита. В 1833 году вокруг церкви построена каменная ограда, в 1844 году на средства помещицы А. Г. Добровольской начато строительство северного придела в трапезной во имя святителя Николая Чудотворца (освящён в 1850 году). В начале XX века была снесена обветшавшая старая колокольня и на её месте на средства семьи купца и книгоиздателя Сергея Сабашникова по проекту архитектора Вячеслава Францовича Жигардловича была возведена в неорусском стиле трёхъярусная шатровая колокольня, с приделами и трапезной.